Pandy got married! September 8th, 2013

The Proposal

Here's Our Story first...

Pandy both moved to Japan at the age of 24 full of excitement and curiosity to experience life and a new culture on the other side of the world. Andy was transferred to Tokyo from London through Lehman Brothers and Penny came to study Japanese at Keio University for a year. She decided to stay in Japan longer and in 2006, Penny joined Lehman Brothers where she met Andy through Chris Harrod, a mutual friend. As fate would have it, their paths would hardly ever cross again for five years although they maintained the same mutual friends. Then in 2012, Chris and his wife Megumi decided to leave Japan and threw a sayonara party where Andy and Penny met (again). Since that moment, they never said goodbye. Ok, now for the proposal…as remembered by Penny and Andy.

Penny’s Version

We just got back from London, trying to settle back into the apartment after being away for two weeks and adjusting to jet lag. Despite being fatigued, Andy woke up at 6am to get ready for work. He had a spring in his step and looked really eager. I asked him, “You’re really eager to get to work today, aren’t you?” He smiled and said “Yes” and started singing a made-up song about cherry blossoms like a happy boy who just found a new tune.

While he was getting ready, I was making breakfast. He walked into the room holding his slacks and suit jacket and a wrinkled white dress shirt. I ironed his shirt for him while he getting his things together…lots of things. I hadn’t realized it, but as he was leaving the apartment, he was carrying a stuffed messenger bag, camera bag, and suit jacket (which he hardly ever wears). I asked him, “Are you taking taking another trip??”. He smiled at me and jokingly said “yes” and then told me that he was planning on getting off work early so we could rest and spend some time together. Normally on Tuesdays, Andy has his Aikido sessions and I have my personal training session but he had mentioned the night before about not going. I asked him how early was early to see if I needed to cancel my gym appointment, thinking ‘early ‘meant 5:30pm, but he said he was thinking before 5pm but wasn’t sure and would let me know by lunchtime.

Just before noon, he texted me saying “I left a little something for you in my camera cabinet…let me know what you think :-) ” I found this:


After I read this, the first thing I thought was…4pm?? Doesn’t he have to work?? I quickly replied and texted him back to say that I’d love to join him for tea. He said, “Can’t wait….I believe it is cherry blossom themed so I can keep singing my new song :) See you this afternoon!”

I arrived to the Peninsula to find him waiting in the lobby smiling. We walked to our seats and ordered. The spread arrived with all sorts of delicious looking sandwiches and cakes along with fragrant teas. He had ordered the Peninsula Breakfast Blend and I ordered the seasonal Sakura tea. Andy was sitting there in his suit jacket (again which he hardly ever wears) and trying hard to keep a conversation going. It was so unlike him, he never usually minds to sit with pockets of silence here and there.

He then mentioned that he had a big lunch and barely touched the sandwiches and cake. I started to wonder why we were there. Andy excused himself and said he had to use the restroom. He had been gone for 5….10…15…close to 20 minutes. I was slowly getting sleepy in my seat until a man came over and handed me an envelope again with my initial on it. Inside was a note and a room key The note said,

“My Darling Penny, please do me the honour of joining me in the room upstairs at your convenience.”

I couldn’t stop grinning but scared at the same time. I was also worried about leaving the table and being chased for not paying the bill! I took my chances and got up and walked to the room elevators.

Once getting off the elevator, I walked down the hallway and passed a family leaving their room which was next door and wondered if they had a idea what was happening.

I found the room and tapped the key against the doorknob and it unlocked. I slowly swung open the door and one of our favorite songs, “Ho Hey” by the Lumineers, was playing in the background. The floor was covered with rows of red rose petals with pictures of us that went all around the room.

photo 2

I stood in the hallway by the door which opened up to the living room area and I was too scared to move. I waited a few minutes and then slowly walked towards into the living room space and stood still – afraid he was behind and about to surprise me (it’s something he would do). After another minute, I realized I was alone and thought “phew”!

I decided to put my purse down on the couch thinking, “Hmm, maybe he’s late?” As I was about to sit, I decided to look at all the photos he had laid around the room since it was clear that he spent so much time decorating. I went back to the front door and followed the trail to the couch, around the coffee table, behind the dining table, passing by the desk and ending at the closed sliding door. I foolishly assumed that was it and headed back to the couch. As I sat there…I realized, “WAIT…maybe this is a trail and there’s more beyond the closed door!”

So I walked over to the door and slid it open…and low and behold, more red petals and memorable pictures were leading through the vanity area, the closet, the bathroom and stopping at another sliding door. As I followed the trail, I got more excited but still scared at the same time.

photo 3

My heart was pounding harder and harder and when I slid the next door open, I found Andy kneeling on one knee in the bedroom behind a perfectly shaped heart made out of rose petals.

He told me how amazing our time together so far has been and how he felt like his life had just begun. He was trying to find all the words to express his love and happiness, including telling me how I was the best thing that happened to him and how he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me and after that too, whatever that means.

He finished by asking, “Penny, will you marry me?” and opened a white box with a light shining down on something that was blinding!! For a moment, I was distracted by how cool it was that there was a light inside a ring box so Andy gently reminded me that there was question that still needed answering…

photo 3

I told him that there was nothing more I’d rather do than spend the rest of my life with him. He slid the most beautiful ring I had ever seen on my hand, got up, maneuvered around the heart of rose petals and kissed me. I am so lucky to have such a romantic fiance!

This was our first photo as an engaged couple!

Our 1st Photo Engaged!

Andy’s Version

It’s finally Tuesday morning. I’ve been constantly checking the hiding place containing The Ring like a furtive paranoid for the days leading up to this one. Such a conflict in wanting to keep it secret and wanting to check it is still safe and sound. Preparations have gone well so far, afternoon is booked off work, hotel is booked, I’ve got a USB key full of the photos I want to print out to help with the decorations and I’ll be picking up the rose petals in the morning. The short trail of notes are hidden in their obvious resting places but not so obvious that they’ll be found too early. Went to sleep late but as expected woke up early with excitement. Laid in bed until a reasonable hour so as not to raise suspicions too early (the bags of ‘props’, champagne (hidden in a bag) and camera gear I’ll be taking to work will no doubt raise enough eyebrows on their own). Happy, nervous and excited thoughts are exuding out of me all at once as I say my usual “off-to-work” goodbyes (just with 3 bags) and causally mention we might be able to meet up fairly early in the afternoon/evening.

Busy morning at work but I’m still managing to keep one eye on the clock waiting for what I thought would be the perfect moment to send a message about the first note. Message sent. We are a go. Or at least we will be once I get a reply that the note(s) have been found and we’ll be meeting. Seemed like a long time but the green light comes through and now the mind starts spinning.

Pick up the roses, call to check the afternoon tea spots were still reserved, head for some lunch and collect the petals and print the photographs from the USB key in a high quality instant print machines and head to the hotel to check in to our suite. The hotel staff remarks that I was travelling light and as shows me around the suite correctly stipulates that this might be a special occasion. I confirm, with optimism, that it definitely is and order a bucket of ice to chill the champagne.

2.5 hours until showtime.

I check the photos are still in chronological order from the moment we met (again) and lay them out around the suite as the foundation for what will be the trail of petals. Photos in place I start laying down petals to complete the trail starting at the front door – sparsely at first to make sure I have enough for the heart at the end of the trail but I find I have enough to go around especially as I revisit the line to ensure no petals are overlapping or bunched up. Looking round to survey my handiwork and sipping on water I setup the mp3 player and select one of our favourite tracks ready to put on loop.

30 minutes until showtime.

I put my tie and jacket back on, prepare the final note and keycard and head downstairs to prime the restaurant staff on the game plan. It takes a while but I am confident they understood that the tea should be charged to the room without having to sign for it (since I won’t be there to sign) and that when I step away from the table the waiter should hand Penny the envelope I had just entrusted him with. Time to try and chill in the lobby while Penny arrives.

Once she arrives we order our high tea, cherry blossom themed, despite the fact my nerves have completely removed my appetite and I try to make conversation so it doesn’t look like I’m itching to leave the table. After I’ve made a good show of having some sandwiches, cakes and tea I excuse myself and head towards the restroom but double back towards the elevator. The restaurant staff immediately come to me and check if they should hand over the envelope now – I guess they didn’t quite understand the plan after-all – I suggest maybe waiting until I get to the elevator and head off in a rush.

I get to the room, heart pounding, rush around making sure everything is set. Start the mp3 player on loop, move to the end of the petal trail closing the doors behind me and get down on one knee.

Ho Hey loops for the first time and I continue to wait – mind spinning… Surely the restaurant staff will have given the envelope by now. Penny must be on her way up by now. The song loops again and I start to worry. She couldn’t have gotten lost could she? Surely the restaurant staff will have given the envelope by now. After a couple more plays through I open the closest door and move into the ante room so I will hear the door open. I lose count of how many times the song has played before, at long last I hear the door open, and tentative footsteps enter the room. I slowly back into the bedroom again and gingerly slide the door closed again.

It takes a while and I hear some nervous but happy laughter as Penny moves along the trail and eventually ends up outside my door. She opens the door with a huge grin on her face and I try to remember as much of what I had planned to say as possible. After hitting the main bullets a